Saturday, March 27, 2010

This Looks Like a Job for....

So my girlfriend and I were riding around in the car when she asked the perfect geek question.

If you had a superpower what would it be?

Any geek worth his decoder ring would tell you that they've thought of this. And they probably would have said that they have even thought of a costume. Oh, I'm not talking about the spandex kind...well I'm not talking about it, others may go in that direction, but total function outfit.

So what would it be? Super strength? Invulnerability? Magical Weapon from the Gods? I mean the options are limitless, go to your comic book shop and pick up almost any issue and you'll find about 20 or 30 different powers.

I didn't have to think long when I answered "flight". I'm not saying the give me wings, or shoes with wings on them, or some magical item that allows me to fly. But the self propelled kind. Anyone stuck in traffic or lost anywhere, would tell you that they would love to just float up a couple hundred feet get there bearings and then "oh, that's where i parked my car" off you go.

Now my girlfriend said what would your second power be? Second power? I get one more? Oh joy of joys!! So what would it be? Super-strength! Being able to lift tons of weight like it was nothing. Being able to stand up to whoever you want.

My girlfriend had her own answers too, flight and either invisibility or being able to mind read, and this is a direct quote "to fuck with people". So what would your superpowers be? Would you want to have lasers shoot out of your...eyes? Or maybe when you get mad you turn green and smash a lot of things. I guess that would mean once a month for about 6 days we would have lots of green people smashing shit. Or maybe you would have a healing ability that would let you heal from just about any wound.

So what would it be? And once you start thinking about it, you'll probably start thinking of a costume. Slowly the geeks are taking over, hahahahahahahahaa....hey I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'

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