Friday, October 29, 2010


So this year really has been the year of the zombie. You might think that it's the year of the Vampire but seriously...sparkly vampires? Someone call Buffy back so she can stake there silly asses, and get the Winchester brothers to kill the stupid wolves.
So we are days away from the premier of The Walking Dead series on AMC. There are a lot of people out there that are SUPER excited for it, me being on of them. Now if your a fan of the series already(comic book), then you know the potential of the series. If your not, go run out to your nearest comic book, B&N, or Borders and pick up volume one of the series.

We will sit and wait...go ahead...seriously...need a pee break anyways...

Was worth it huh?

Now besides that series coming out this season, we have had 2 major video games come out relating to zombies. Left 4 Dead 2, and Dead Rising 2! Both are excellent games. Their has also been lots of smaller zombie games as well, so if your looking to kill the undead there is no shortage of zombies.
L4D 2 is a first person shooter that is sweet! You get to blow the shit out of zombies and use other close up weapons too! If you like first person shooters and zombies, well you couldn't have asked for a better way to get your frustrations out!
Dead Rising 2 is a 3rd person game that has you rescuing people and killing zombies as well as completing boss kills and such. Good story and great game, I've had so much fun on both games.
Besides all that there has been a plethora of books and movies that relate to the zombies. They are very popular for dead people!

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